Monday, November 21, 2011

This Holiday . . . Take a Break!

The Thanksgiving holidays can be a rough time for college students.  While it's generally a happy time where you can enjoy the company of family and friends, you may also find that school responsibilities prevent you from fully relaxing

That's why I encourage to take a break.  In fact, take the whole holiday off if you can.  Try to put school out of your mind and focus on the people who are near and dear to you.

For some of you, this may not be an option because of the mountain of work you will have waiting for you after the holiday.  In that case, be sure to take at least one day off to rest.  Rest is essential to keep you happy and healthy.  Also, well rested students tend to be better students overall.  So enjoy your break as much as you can, travel safely, and have a happy Thanksgiving.

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