Monday, November 14, 2011

The Home Stretch

I don’t know about you, but  I’m really starting to feel the pressure of the end of the semester.  I’m juggling multiple projects, I’ve got a stack of papers that I still need to grade, and I feel like I am barely able to keep up with the day-to-day activities that need to be done.

But I find that with some careful planning, I am still able to keep my head above water.  Here’s what works for me:

At the beginning of the week, I write out my schedule.  Just last night, before I went to bed, I spent about 15 minutes plotting out all the activities I need to complete before the weekend.  The first half of my week is packed, and I know it will be exhausting.  But I’m not intimidated . . .

. . . because I prioritized my week.  I know what absolutely must get done – paper grading – and when my deadline is – Wednesday morning.  So, I plan on spending the bulk of today and tomorrow tackling that project. 

Sure, there’s lots of other smaller tasks that I need to do over the next couple of days, too.  How do I manage those tasks?  I get the little, quick projects out of the way first.  That way, I’m not distracted from my main goal and can focus all my energy on my most important project. 

Let me add that this is not the time to slack off.  To get everything done, I find that I do have to get up early and work when I have the fewest distractions.  For me, that means trudging downstairs while my family is still sleeping, firing up the coffee pot, and getting to work.  You may work best at other times of the day.  Figure out when your optimum work time is, and minimize your distractions during that time.  That may mean heading to the library, or disconnecting your computer from the internet, or hiding your cell phone. 

Will I have to sacrifice some sleep during this week?  Probably – but I have planned my schedule well enough to know that this is a temporary situation, and I can squeeze in a nap or head to bed earlier towards the end of the week.  Why is that important to know?  Because getting adequate rest can affect the quality of my week – and my work.  So I make sure that I pay attention to my physical needs during this busy time, too, so that I can maintain a good quality of life and ensure that my family and students don’t have to deal with a grumpy professor.

What about you?  Are you ready for the home stretch?  If not, start planning now – the end of your semester will be here before you know it.

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