Monday, September 19, 2011

Month One Reality Check

At the institution where I teach, we’ve just passed the one month mark.  Classes have been in session for a full 4 weeks, and reality is setting in for most students.

By now, the first tests, projects, or essays have been submitted, and students are slowly learning whether or not their study tactics will hack it in college.  Those students who are still unsure of where they stand will soon find out – once their grades are posted.

What about you?  Has the reality of college academic life hit you yet?  Do you feel like you might not make it through this semester unscathed or you need to change your tactics?

Now is a perfect time to make a change.  At the one month mark, you still have enough time to right your ship and salvage your course grade.

Now’s the time to ask yourself some hard questions: are you studying enough?  Do you understand the material being covered in your classes?  Have you communicated with your professors?  If you answered ‘no’ to any one of these questions, I challenge you to set some goals for yourself to get back on course.  Perhaps you should commit yourself to staying in on week nights so you have more time to study.  Maybe you need to seek out a tutor to help you get through that challenging biology course.  Or maybe you need to make appointments with your professors to discuss your progress in their courses.

Don’t forget to check out our study tips in “I’m here . . . classes have started . . . now what?”; “How much should I study?”; and “Study Smarter, not Harder.”  Try putting a few of these strategies in practice today – they just might help you to stay on track!

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