Sunday, August 21, 2011

I’m here . . . classes have started . . . now what?

If you’ve participated in your school’s new student orientation, you may feel a bit like you’re back in summer camp.  It can be a  challenge to shift from this mindset and get into “college” mode.  To make sure that you don’t let things slip during the first week of class and get off to a bad start, there’s one thing you should do during the first week of class: Get organized!
For some of you, this is easier said then done.  But let me tell you that being organized isn’t rocket science; you just need to know how to do it.
Step 1: Invest in a planner, or make use of your smart phone’s calendar.  This will be your time management guide during the semester and will help you to plan ahead and not fall behind on your work.
Step 2: Log your major assignments in your planner. This should include all your exam dates and essay and project deadlines.  Not sure where all this info is listed?  Check your course syllabi.
Step 3: Log your work/workout/activity schedule.  While you can’t expect to plan out your whole semester – nor should you want to – you should put other important activities into your planner.  Include things you have to do (like show up to your job) and things that keep you balanced (working out, volunteering, etc.)
Step 4: Review your calendar.  Feeling overwhelmed yet?  Relax, and remember that this organizing activity will help you to manage those extra busy weeks.
Step 5: Find a safe place to keep your course materials.  There are lots of different ways to do this.  You can keep a binder for each class, or use a separate notebook for each.  Choose the method that works best for you, and take care of all your paperwork . . . you might just need those notes you took on the first day to get through that comprehensive final exam.
Step 6: Keep it up!  Organization isn’t a one time thing; you have to keep adding items to your planner and keep putting your course materials in that safe place you’ve created for them.  If you fall behind on this, you might find yourself falling behind in your classes

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